Day by Day cartoon

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Lousy weather in Utah yesterday

We had a storm blow through and it was a doozy! Eighty MPH winds and rain measured with buckets! Even had the interstate tied up for several hours yesterday with 4 tractor-trailer rigs tipped over within a half mile of each other!
Winds knocked out four semitrailer trucks on Interstate 15 at Point of the Mountain and at least two on Interstate 80 near Wendover.

No injuries were reported, but I-15 was closed at Point of the Mountain after three trucks were on their sides in the southbound lanes and one in the northbound lanes. The northbound lanes were reopened later Monday.
It was a wild night and one not fit be out in, and later I'll tell you a story about a young dummy, (related to me) that is proof positive that sometimes its better to stay inside when the weather's bad.

On a side note, I found it interesting that KUTV posts news on their webpage direct from the Associated Press and not from their own reporting staff.

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